Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Dec. 27 - 28, 2009
On Sunday Kirsti and family went to sacrament meeting with us. The girls got to wear their Christmas Dresses again. They were so excited!! Then a quiet afternoon, and off to try and see some Christmas lights. We weren't able to find too many of them. The best ones were probably the Jolley's just around the corner from us. They have them synchrized to music you can tune in on the raido. We sat and watched their lights until they went through all 4 songs. It was fun!

On Monday we went to the movies and saw "The Princess and the Frog". The girls loved it!! It was a really cute movie. Then back to Grandma and Grandpa's for pizza. When the kids went to bed the adults watched "Star Trek #5" in blue ray!

It has been a wonderful Christmas Holiday!! I have loved everything about it. Especially being with my whole family, you just can't beat that.

Dec. 26, 2009
Today Thomas and Sam had to go home, and Kirsti and family were coming to be with us for a few days. We are so grateful the Izatt's got up at the crack of dawn and hopped in their car (in their PJ's and all) and came to our house. Because of that we were all able to be here together for a couple hours before Tom and Sam had to leave. The Izatt's opened the presents Tommy and Sam got them and we just visited. It was a great day.

Dec. 25, 2009
We are so happy Thomas and Sam were able to be here with us. Because they didn't arrive until 12:30 pm last night we did not get up early. Everyone was up and dressed by about 9:30 am and then we had breakfast. We then looked to see what Santa put in our Stockings and then opened our presents. It was so fun! Thomas got us a blue ray player (Santa brought us some blue ray movies), Kirsit got us a new mail box with cute covers (we really needed the mail box) and season 3 of Lost, and Rick got me a food processor, books and gift certificate to Barns and Noble. I gave Rick a carrying case for his laptop, some chocolates and movies. Oh and Santa brought us both new underwear. Yea!! We appreciate it all so much. After we were finished opening the presented Sam and I decided to give Tommy a make over. I cut his hair and Sam trimed his beard. Now he doesn't look like a scarey homeless person anymore. Be sure and check out the before and after pictures. Then Rick went and got his Mom so she could have dinner with us. It was fun having her here with us. After dinner we watched a few home movies of when the kids were little, then Jerry came over to hang out with Tom and Sam. It was a wonderful day!!

Dec. 17 - 19, 2009

Off to see the Izatt's on the 17th. Arrived in time for diner and to watch Survivor. Then off to bed.

Today, the 18th, I took Ashley out for ice cream at Cold Stones. We had a lot of fun. Had fun just being with everyone today. We had take out pizza for dinner it was really good.

Dec. 19th, today is the day Kenzie and I go see the Nutcracker. We both have been looking forward to it for a long time. But the day started out with Ashley and Blake going to get their flu shots and then Kenzie going to the doctor because she didn't feel very well. She ended up having bronchitis but the doctor said she was well enough to go to the ballet. So armed with lots of Kleenex and cough drops off we went. We had amazing seats on the main floor and just 9 rows back in the middle section. Kenzie was even able to go look down in the orchestra pit and watch them go for their break and then come back after intermission. Ballet West did a great job. It was so fun to share with my granddaughter. I had to buy her a little nutcracker for her to take home and help her remember her 1st ballet with her grandma. Then back to Kirsti's to change clothes and head home. The girls got to open a pre-christmas present before I left. They got their Christmas dresses to wear to church the next day. I was so grateful Kirsti had made me a dinner to eat on my way home. I really didn't want to have to stop. The fog was so.... bad! It didn't go away until I hit the Idaho boarder. I arrived about 10:30 pm and was so glad to be there safely.

Dec. 1 - 13, 2009

This month has started out crazy! Both Sophie and Tenna have been sick since we boarded them for Thanksgiving. The Vet. said they must have gotten the doggy flu. Sophie is doing much better, but we are still having a hard time getting Tenna to eat. On the 7th we had our FHE Group Christmas Party. We had a delicious meal and some fun games. I love being with those people. They are so much fun!! Then on the 9th I did some baking and my visiting teaching. On the 10th I was packing to take my Mom to Becky's for the winter and we had the Ward Christmas Party that evening.

On the 11th we packed up and went to Boise. It was the longest trip to Boise I've ever taken, probably because I was so tried. We arrived at Becky's house at about 5 pm and had a wonderful dinner with Tommy, Derek & Natalie, and Becky & Scott. Becky is a wonderful cook and it tasted so good. I love being in my sisters house especially at Christmas time. They do an amazing job of decorating!! Scott had the outside really lite up. It was beautiful. And the inside was just as nice with garlands everywhere, snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, two Christmas trees, Christmas teddy bears everywhere. It really helped me get in the Christmas Spirit. (And yes I took my camera, but for some reason did not get even one picture. What is wrong with me!!) On Saturday the 12th I didn't do anything, but be lazy. I just sat around and then went and took a nap and then sat around some more. I was so tired. I wanted to rest up for the long drive home. On the 13th I just got up had breakfast, packed up and drove home.

It's good to be home, but now I've got to unpack and get ready to go to the Izatt's on the 19th. So much to do!!

Nov. 27 - 29, 2009

Rick & I and my Mom (aka Great Grandma)stayed at the Izatt's a few days following Thanksgiving. Mom and I put up thier Christmas tree while Rick and Blake went to help the Lindquist's move. Then Blake took Kirsti to the doctor. She really was sick! She had a sinus infection, an ear infection and an infected eye. The doctor said she had probably had the sinus for at least 2 weeks. So now with some antibiotics she should feel better in a few days. Blake, Kirsti and I then put Ashley's quilt on the frames and we tied it the next day. Kenzie and Ashley were so much help. They actually did my hair while I was working on the quilt. Then we did some relaxing before heading home.


Nov. 26, 2009

This year we spent Thanksgiving at Kirsti and Blakes house. We were so excited that Thomas and Sam were able to come. (We weren't sure until the last minute because of work schedules.) Becky and Scott were also there along with Devin, Derek & Natalie, and Shelley, Mikah, Kasen and Aidan, plus Great Grandma Robison. It was crowded but lots of fun! Kirsti made the cutest turkey out of fruits and vegies and cheese for us to snack on if we got hungry before dinner. The only bad part was the fact that Kirsti was sick and really not feeling well. We all tried to help her as much as we could. Everyone brought part of the dinner and that helped. It was so nice being with everyone again.

Today was also Great Grandma Robison's birthday. So we had a birthday party after dinner with candles in the pumpkin pie. Her great grandchildren loved helping her with her presents. We also let the kids wish on wish bones from 2 cornish hens Kirsti and Blake had a few weeks earlier. It was a wonderful day!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not much has changed!

November 23, 2009

Well I'm back on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Plus today I didn't go to church because I'm so sick at my stomach. I've taken something for it and am starting to feel better. I'm still trying to get things caught up and have realized I probably never will. So I'm concentrating on what I have to get done before we go to Kirsti's for Thanksgiving. Then when we get home I'll start working on Christmas and getting ready to take Mom over to Becky's. (Mom is spending the winter at Becky and Scott's.) Oh no!! I only have 2 whole more days before leaving for Kirsti's. I've got sooo.... much to do. I guess what ever I get done will have to do. Wish me luck, because I really need it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Trying to catch up

November 16, 2009

I am so far behind on everything and trying to catch up. I had a sore throat over the weekend and didn't feel very well. I am feeling much better today. But because I was sick so long in Oct. I'm still behind. Plus Dr. Shrader said even though I'm feeling better I'm not back to normal. I need to listen to my body and rest when I'm tired, take my inhaler when needed, ect. I'm also trying to work on buying Christmas gifts. My goal was to have it all done by Thanksgiving, so that when we go to Kirsti's (for Thanksgiving) I could take all the gifts then. I just realized that just isn't going to happen, even though I've really been working on it. Lots of it is almost done but not everything. So I guess I'm not super woman. And I'll go and take a nap!

Finaly Feeling Better!

November 10, 2009

Today I had an appointment with Dr. Shrader which means a trip to Afton WY. The weather was good and I went by myself this time. (Rick had to work and my friend Torri had just had oral surgry and wasn't feeling very well so I didn't even ask her to go with me.) So I listened to a book I have on CD which made the trip seem to go very fast. I am finally feeling better! As of Saturday Nov. 7th Rick said I'm acting like myself again. So I was confident Dr. Shrader will find that I'm doing great. To my surprise that wasn't the case. I took the walk test like I do each time I go there. (The walk test is a 6 min. walk I take and they measure how far I go. It shows how well my lungs and Pulmenary Hypertension is doing.) I thought I did great. I wasn't out of breath when I was finished like I was last time. I was very surprised when Dr. Shrader told me that was the worst I'd ever done. I only went 268 feet. (Last time I went 389 feet.) I told him all about my bout with Swine Flu and complications and he told me I probably wouldn't be totaly back to normal from that for a few more months. I am having a hard time believing how long it's taking to get back to normal. Needless to say because of the problems with the flu there was no way to tell if the Revatio (the new med. he added the last time I saw him) was helping me. So I go back Feb. 8th for another walk test. We might have to totally change my medication for PH if there isn't an improvement.

Croptober Fest 2009

Oct. 22 - 25 2009

Kirsti and I went to Croptober Fest (a scrapbooking weekend) again this year. Only this year it was extended later on Saturday so we stayed an extra night and left for home Sunday morning. We usually go a day early (on Thursday) so we can do something fun Friday before Croptober Fest starts at 5:00pm. This year we made some mini photo albums Thursday night while watching "Survivor" and "CSI" on TV. Friday morning we slept in and then went for a late breakfast at Smity's. I love their pancakes. They are so good. Then we did some shopping and had lunch at "Cold Stone Creamery". (Yes we had ice cream for lunch.) Then back to the motel for a nap before Croptober Fest begins. I am still not feeling very well. So am really taking it easy.

Croptober Fest was so fun this year. I love scrapbooking with friends. Torri and most of her sisters were there. They are so much fun!! I got a lot done even though I rested a lot. It's always fun to get away with Kirsti. I love her so much.

Work at Mom's

October 16, 2009

Today Rick and I met Becky and Scott at Mom's to work in her yard and around her house. Rick and Scott did most of the work. Becky helped them a little, but I did nothing but visit with everyone and take pictures. I'm still recovering from the flu and not doing much. Rick and Scott put cement blocks under Mom's steps in her back yard and around her patio and house. They had to not only level everything out but remove all the bark we put in last year. The bark just didn't work. The wind blew it all over and Sophie (Mom's little dog) likes to eat it. They also put new trim around all her windows outside. I had a wonderful time visiting with Becky and Mom. I just don't get to do that enough. I wish my sister lived closer to us. She is so much fun!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Swine Flu

Sept. 29 - Oct. 12, 2009

This has been a long two weeks for me. On Sept. 29th I got the Swine Flu. I was sooo sick with high fever and chills until the 4th of October. I actually felt pretty good on the 4th until about bedtime when I really started wheezing. As soon as I got up Monday the 5th I went right in to the doctors. I was wheezing really bad and had a low grade fever again. Of course I couldn't see the doctor because I had no appointment so I saw the PA. He said I had Bronchitis and gave me an antibiotic. The wheezing just kept getting worse. It got to the point if I did more than sit it was really hard to breath. On Wed the 7th I called the doctors office to see if I could get in. They transferred me to the nurses voice mail. I told her the problem and asked her to call me back so I could get in to see the doctor. She never called me back. On Thursday I had to go to IF to get my monthly blood test and run a couple of errands. I felt awful and could hardly breathe. On the way home I stopped in at the doctors office again. Of course I had no appointment so had to see the PA again. He added another antibiotic and gave me an inhaler with a steroid in it that probably would of worked if I had started taking it a week earlier. So home I went to try and keep breathing. Friday morning I woke up having a terrible time. I just couldn't breathe. I tried sitting up and trying to relax to make breathing easier. It just didn't work. I grabbed the phone and called the doctors office barely able to talk and was transferred to the nurses voice mail again. I left a breathless message asking her to call me as soon as she gets in. (That was 8:12 am and I still haven't heard from her.) After hanging up it got even worse, I couldn't even talk. I asked Rick to call 911 which he did. The EMT got here in just a few minutes but seemed like a long time to me. Once he got me on some oxygen it helped some. Then the paramedics came and took me to the hospital. After about 5 hours, a couple breathing treatments and lots of tests I felt much better. I found out the combination of the bronchitis and asthma was causing all the problems. They sent me home with a rescue inhaler to help me if that should happen again plus they put me on Predisone pills to open up my airway. I felt so much better.

To make things more complicated Saturday was our little granddaughters birthday. All of her presents which included the bottom part of the bunk bed, a new mattress, and all the bedding for it was the back of my van. I was determined somehow it had to get to Utah for her party. I knew I couldn't go and Rick really didn't want to leave me to go. When we got up Saturday morning my wheezing was a little worse again. I tried the rescue inhaler and it really didn't help too much. I finally convinced Rick I would be Okay. There are lots of people I could call if I needed anything. He wasn't too happy about it but he went. I showered and tired to load the dishwasher and was having a really hard time breathing again. So I sat down and rested and it did get a little better. But I soon discovered I couldn't do anything (walk to the bathroom, go get a drink, ect.) without struggling to breath and the rescue inhaler just wasn't working. I soon realized I needed to go back to the hospital for another breathing treatment. About that same time Rick called to tell me he had gotten there okay. I told him I was going to go into the hospital for another breathing treatment. I was going to wait until 5:00 pm so I could feed Tena and eat something for dinner then I was going to go in. Well at 4:00 Ginger Durbin knocked on my door. She had been at our Relief Societies "Supper Saturday" all day (she was in charge of it) and was bringing some soup they had left over from lunch. She came in and put the soup in my fridge and said "Brenda you sound awful get your shoes on and I'll be right back and take you to the hospital". I hurried and fed Tena, put my shoes on and sat down. Our Relief Socitey President called me and said the Bishop will be there to give you a blessing before you go to the hospital. A few minutes later Ginger came back along with Christy Tomlinson (RS President), Jeff Cox (Bishop), Terry Johnshon (High Preist Group Leader) and Lance Hone. I was so grateful for the blessing and everyone's help. After 4 more hours in the ER and 3 more breathing treatments, I felt much better. They sent me home with my own nebulizer so I can do my own breathing treatments at home. I am so grateful for Ginger taking me and staying with me at the hospital. Christy for all her help in getting my the meds for the breathing machine. And most of all for the power of the priesthood and the willingness of those brotheren to come at a moments notice to bless someone in need.

Rick had dinner with the Izatt's and stayed for the birthday party and then came home. He got home about half an hour after I did. I was glad to have him here. I am doing so much better. I'm doing breathing treatments 3 times a day. I've still got stuff in my chest to cough up and am still kind of tired, but other than that doing great. I will be making an appointment with my doctor so he can follow up on how I'm doing. I've got to have a talk with him and find out what a person has to do to actually see him or at least get a nurse to call back when they really need help. I think most of this could of been avoided had I actually seen the doctor earlier in the week.

Sorry this has been so long but I just had to show you the plant again. It has gotten a lot darker pink. Not sure how much longer it will last this year because of the cold nights.

Garage Sale

September 26, 2009

Today we had our garage sale! We took back our family room a couple weeks ago and are trying to sale the office furniture and supplies. The file cabinets were the first things to go. We sold one chair and still have 3 to go, plus a desk, computers and room divider. I think we will be trying to sell some of it on the Internet. It was a long hot day!

I included a couple of photos of my little flower garden. The big pink plant was supposed to bloom in August and as you can see is finally doing it. I also included a few photo's of our sweet dog Tenava. She loves to look out the window!! She really misses Koira. She gets so lonely when we aren't home. Even when we were just outside sitting in the driveway for the garage sale. She sat by the window and cried and cried until we brought her out with us. She loved watching the people and just being with us. She's such a good dog.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

BYU vs Flordia State

September 19, 2009

Today was the BIG day! We have been looking forward to this day for months; yes I said months. We met my sister Becky and her husband Scott in Provo at 2 pm for a late lunch/early dinner at Red Lobster. Of course we wore our BYU shirts and had lots of comments from different people while there. It was a great lunch! I always enjoy being with my sister. Then we parked our van and hopped into their van so we could all go together and have one less vehicle to park at the stadium. Scott dropped us off so we could pick up the tickets at the will call window and he went to park the car. Rick ran and got the tickets and then we sat all on a hill in the shade to wait for Scott to get back so we could go in. Oh I forgot to mention this was a really hot day. Becky and I were wishing BYU didn't have such a dark color, because we were dying in the heat. It felt so good to sit in the shade and wait for Scott. Once we met up with Scott it was off to find our seats. They were in the east bleachers close to the top and right in the sun. It wasn't until half time that the sun finally went behind the west bleachers and we got some relief. I drank a lot of water and probably could of drank more, but it would of been too hard to get out to get more. It was so fun to watch the band marching on the field and playing "When the Saints come marching in". It was fun watching all the pre-game stuff. Then the game started. Florida State got the first touch down. Then they got the second touch down. Oh no!! At half time I thought BYU still had a chance. They only need 2 touch downs to catch up. Once the second half started it was all down hill from there. Florida State got a touch down in the first few minutes of the third quarter and the rest is history. It got so bad we left a few minutes early. I took a photo of the score board just as we were leaving. That wasn't the finial score though. The finial score was BYU 28 - Florida State 54!! What an awful game. BYU was undefeated before that. Despite the score we had a good time. It was over much to soon. We met up with Devin and Amy after the game and went out for ice cream. It was so good. On our trip back to Kirsti and Blakes house we watch an amazing lightening storm. We even hit a really big down pour. When we got to the Izatt's house at 11:00 pm it was still 76 degrees. It was a very hot day and night.

While staying with the Izatt's Rick tried to help a little in their backyard by pulling weeds. Kirsti and the grand kids helped. (Kirsti was in her PJ's and at the side of the house so I didn't get her picture.) As you can see in the following photo they only made a small dent. The backyard is full of weeds. I've got a photo of Ashely's hair do that she did all by herself. She was so proud of it. Ashely also loves to dress up. She does it all day long. Of course I have photos of my girls after church. They are so sweet!! There's one of Ashley standing on her head. She just loves to be upside down. Kirsti says she loves to watch TV like that. We had a wonderful weekend and spent it with some of our favorite people.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eastern Idaho State Fair

September 11, 2009

The Izatt's came to spend the weekend with us. On Friday morning we went to the fair. It was so much fun! First we went to pet the animals. The tiny baby pigs were so cute. They were only 5 days old. I wanted to hold one so badly, but those we weren't allowed to touch. Then we went to see the big horses. Kenzie really loves the horses. She even got to go into a stall where a lady was brushing one and pet it's nose. She loved it. Then on to look at the rocks and buy a few. I love the rocks and needless to say so does my granddaughters. Then on to look at the commercial buildings. After that Grandma had to let the granddaughters build a stuffed animal. (They aren't spoiled or anything.) Then on to ride some rides. Oh sprinkled in there was a lot of eaten. We had scone bites, corn on the cob, ice cream, funnel cakes and lots of water. It was an extremely hot day. Once we did the rides Ashley, Kenzie and Grandma had had enough, so we bee lined it to the car to go home. Kirsti carried Ashley all the way out and Rick almost drug me out. I was so hot and tired I just couldn't stand it any more. On the way home we stopped at Great Grandma Robison's house to take her a funnel cake and some kettle corn. It was a fun day!

On Saturday the 12th Rick, Kirsti and the girls went over a visited with Great Grandma Jensen. Blake went to Rexburg to help his brother with a fence. Then we watched the girls while Kirsti and Blake went back to the Fair to see the Demolition Derby. We learned some exciting news today. Blake and Kirsti are going to have another baby!! We are so excited!!! Another sweet addition to our family. We think she will be do the end of May sometime. She hasn't been to the doctor yet so we don't know for sure. They weren't going to tell anyone until Thanksgiving, but Kirsti just doesn't keep secrets too well.

While at Great Grandma Robison's house each girl sat in a chair that belonged to their Great Great Great Grandma Rodgers. She was a vary small lady and sat in it in her older years.

Our 33rd Wedding Anniversery!

September 10, 2009

I guess I'll start with today and go back a week or so. Today is our 33rd Wedding Anniversary!! I can hardly believe it. Where has all the time gone. It isn't until I look in the mirror, then I realize how much time has gone by. We've been through a lot in the last 33 years and more in love than the day we were married. We will be celebrating by going to the BYU game on Sept. 19th with Becky and Scott. As for today a quiet night at home. Tomorrow we will go out to lunch and then to the museum to see the Titanic Displays.

Yesterday we went to Star Valley again to see Dr. Shrader. (Rick took the day off work) The drive was beautiful with the leaves just barely starting to turn colors. (I tried to get some photo's. They are kind of blurry because we were driving down the road at the time.) We had lunch again at Rocky Mountain Seafood. It was delicious as always! Dr. Shrader said the half dose of Tracleer is working great as far as my heart and lungs go. He will be adding another med. to try and help me be able to do some exercise and have some energy. I will try that for a couple of months and we'll see how that goes. Dr. Shrader said something that a I can't stop thinking about. He said, "We all want to stay on this earth a long time, but there comes a time we have to think about the quality of our lives." I've got to decide if I can live with the headaches I'm having now and see if the new med will help me be able to do more. If not we will have to change to a new medication all together. I've also been thinking if I died tomorrow would my life have made a difference in this world. I'm not sure I can say it has. It's something we all need to be thinking about, because you never know when your time on earth may be over. I hope I've done some good in this world and hope to be able to continue trying to make a difference. On a lighter note on the way home from Star Valley we just had to stop and get a square ice cream cone. It was sooo... good!!

Last week we spent puppy sitting Sophie. Mom went to Bosie to see Becky and we kept Sophie for her. She is still a puppy even though she is almost 2 yrs old. As Rick said the other day it's just like having a little kid in the house. She is a sweet little dog. Tena is getting used to being the pack leader and Kissa (one of our cats) has adjusted to her. Teemu (our other cat) goes into hiding when Sophie comes and we rarely see him the whole time she is here. It was fun having her here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Rest of August

August 31, 2009

The last couple of weeks have been so busy, but not much to blog about. Rick has been busy moving shelves out of our storeage room and into the shed. Then he built me these -

It was a big job because you had to figure out what size cans you are going to put in it and where, in order to build it. It was a 2 day job. I'm so excited to have it done. Now my job of putting the cans away starts.

I've got a new calling in our Relief Society. I'm the new Visiting Teaching Cordinator. I've been working on forms for the Visiting Teaching Supervisors, for the Visiting Teachers, and for the monthly and yearly reports. It has taken me a long time and I'm still not quite done. It also didn't help that we've had a lot of people moving in and out the last couple months so we've had a lot of changes. It's a calling I'm going to really enjoy. It will be better once I get all the forms just like I want them and in the computer. It should save me a lot of time in the long run.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Bishop and . . . . .

August 17, 2009

On Aug. 9th we got a new Bishop. Our new Bishop is Jeff Cox, 1st Counselor Thomas Yearsley and 2nd Counselor Jim Cotterell. It's always exciting to get a new bishop, but we really feel for the old bishop and his wife, Curtis and Torri Burtenshaw (who are good friends of ours). It's so hard to be released from a calling like that. You feel kind of empty and it's hard to stop worrying about all the people who've meant so much to you for the last 5 years. Change always comes with a new bishop. I'm looking forward to what is to come.

The last few weeks have been spent reorganizing my house. We have moved Advon out of the basement. I now have my whole family room back. It is so nice! The office upstairs now holds what is left of Advon. The Junk room is becoming the guest/sewing room. I'm making a scrapbook area in the family room. The area is all set up I just have to move the scrapbook stuff down there. I'm so excited, I hope to get it done soon so I can use it. After that I will start on the kitchen. Hopefully I'll be able to work on it a little each day. I just don't have enough energy to do too much at one time. I'm so grateful Kirsti came and helped us with the family room. She was only here one day, but I was amazed at how much she got done. She worked 10 hours straight. We had the little trailer overflowing with stuff for the dump. And my garage is full of stuff for a garage sale or DI. I'm also grateful for Torri Burtenshaw who came over and helped me clean out the Junk room. I would of never been able to do it without them.

The last 2 weekends we've helped a little bit cleaning out Rick's Moms house. It has sold and will be closing Aug. 21st. Daniel and Denett have worked so hard in not only getting to sold, but cleaning it. They have done a great job. The house looks really good. We were able to bring the rest of the things Rick gets from his Moms house. It took us two trips with the trailer to our house and one trip to the dump. I'm so glad that is done!!

Lineberry's House Aug. 6 - 8, 2009

We spent a couple days in Boise. We wanted to see Tommy's new apartment plus spend some time with my sister. We had a really fun time even though the weather was the coldest in has ever been in Boise in August. It rained most of the time. The high was 54 degrees all day at Becky's house on Friday the 7th.

We arrived just in time for dinner on Thursday the 6th. My sister is a really good cook and I love eating her food. We visited and watched a movie til bed time.

On Friday the day started out with a family breakfast. Clark, Todd and his girlfriend, Derrek and his girlfriend, Tommy and Sam, Rick and I, plus Becky and Scott were all there. It was fun meeting everyone's girlfriends and just being together as a family. Unfortunately the photo's I took of the breakfast didn't turn out so you can't see everyone. Darn! But the food was delisious and we had fun visiting.

Next we took Tom and Sam to Wahooz (a family fun center). We played arcade games for a few hours. We were hoping it would quit raining so we could play some miniture golf, but it just didn't happen. I think lazer tag was played a couple of times, plus Rick and Tommy played on the bumper boats once and yes it was raining. We grabbed some lunch and went to see Tommy and Derek's new apartment. Wow is it big!! They live in a duplex near downtown Boise. It was a nice apartment close to BSU and it cost less a month then they were paying before. I was glad to see where he lives, but he really needs to spend some time cleaning and oraganizing. I know I taught him how to clean. I don't know how Derek can stand having a messy roommate. At least Derek's cleaning was done.

We went out to Iggy's for dinner with Becky and Scott. They had never been there before. It was good food and better company and of course lots of visiting. Never too much visiting.

On Saturday we went to Emmet to a flea market. The drive was beautiful. I'd never been there before. After the flea market we went to find apricots for Becky and then got a snack. We did a lot more visiting. I love being with my sister!! I wish she lived closer. We had a early dinner so we could leave to come home. We wanted to be home by Sunday, because we are getting a new bishop.

Our drive home seemed long. We went through 2 really bad rain storms. It wasn't raining when we got home, but the weather was cool. I'm so grateful to my Mom for staying at our house and watching the dog and cats so we can go away every once and a while.

The Rest of July...

This month a couple in our ward that went on a mission to Russia, the Carlson's, had a lady they baptized and now call their adopted daughter from Russia, Julia Kotsubchik and her 10 year old son Mark, come and spend the month with them. On the 19Th they both spoke in sacrament meeting. Julia speaks excellent English. She teaches English in Russia. First her son bore his testimony, while she translated so we could understand. Wow what an amazing young man!! Then Julia spoke and told us of her conversion and baptism. What a strong testimony she has. She is a very special person. I was amazed by them both. They are the only members in their city of about a half a million people. They had never been in a ward or even seen a ward before. It has been so fun watching them each week in the different class. My heart just went out to them. They were so overwhelmed seeing so many people in one place at the same time that have the same beliefs as they have. On Fast Sunday Aug. 2 (The last Sunday they would be here.) Julia bore her testimony in Relief Society. She said "Giving makes living more loving". I loved that statement so much I had to write it down. I don't want to forget it. She was so grateful for the sisterhood she felt in our RS meetings and just being with us each week. She was grateful for the strength she felt from each of us. She said she could now go home and know she had her Shelley 7Th Ward sisters. Then she said she would be praying for us. I was amazed by that statement, yet very grateful. I just had to go up to her afterwards and let her know I would never forget her and would be praying for her. I know she is raising one of the future church leaders of Russia. I think of her often and hope I'll be able to see her again someday.

On the 25Th I was able to go to the "Preparedness Store" in Idaho Falls and take a wheat class. I learned to make whole wheat bread (got amazing recipes), cinnamon rolls, pizza crust, bread sticks and pancakes. Everything was made with the Boshe Mixer and the pancakes were made with the blender attachment. I was amazed at how fast and easy it was. I can hardly wait to get my kitchen dejunked and reorganized so I can bring the Boshe Mixer I got from Ricks Mom. It's going to be so fun to use!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shared Birthday 2009

July 10 - 12, 2009

I had a really fun weekend at Kirsti and Blake's house. I was "surprised" when Tommy and his girl friend Sam showed up too. (Let's just say Kirsti isn't too good at keeping secrets.) We had a wonderful weekend together. The Izatt's got to meet Sam and Tommy got to see Kirsti's new house. Plus I got to be with them all, all weekend. It was so nice to have my whole family together. I loved it. It was the best birthday present I could of ever had!!

On Friday the 10Th we all enjoyed a great dinner. We had Hawaiian Haystacks. Kenzie chose that meal for her birthday dinner. It was so good. I have been having some problems with my stomach and that just hit the spot. It tasted so good.

On Saturday we celebrated my birthday (July 8th) and McKenzie's birthday (July 14th). I made Kenzie a big birthday cake. She wanted a pink cake and that is what she got. We sang Happy Birthday to her right after lunch and watched her open her presents. (I got some presents too!!) Then everyone, except Kirsti and I, took off to go see Kennecott Copper Mine. Thomas and Sam had never seen it. And since we had gone to see it the last time we were at the Izatt's, Kirsti and I stayed at her house and enjoyed our books and some quite time. Everyone had fun. Then at 5:00 pm we met it Salt Lake at Benihanan's. That is one of my favorite restaurants. They cook your food right at your table and make a great show of it. It was absolutely wonderful. The food was delious and it was fun watching everyone try to use chop sticks. We discovered Ashley loves shrimp and onions. Tommy and Sam were the best at it. Even Ashley and Kenzie tried. Then they sang happy birthday to both Kenzie and I, and we blew out our candle on our ice cream and cake they brought us. Everyone enjoyed ice cream for desert. Then back to Kirsti's for the kids bath and bedtime. After watching some TV we all headed to bed. It was a perfect day!

Sunday morning we said good bye to Thomas and Sam as we headed to Church and they went to Lagoon. Sam had never been to Utah before, so Tom wanted to take her to Lagoon. I really hate the good byes, but love the hugs. Church was nice. Blake was made the 2nd Counselor in the Elders Quorum Presidency. We were glad we could be there for that. Then back to the Izatt's for a quick lunch and more good byes. I miss them all so much already. I hope we can plan more times when we are all together.

We arrived home at 4:30 pm. At around 9:30 pm we had an amazing lightening show with lots of thunder. It lasted at least 2 hours. I really loved it. My poor dog didn't though.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Empty Nesters FHE Group

July 7, 2009

We have a Family Home Evening Group we meet with the first Monday of each month. Sometimes we have a lesson, sometimes we have a discussion group and sometimes we just play games. The group is made of people from our ward who no longer have the children living at home. Thus the name Empty Nester's. Twice a year we have a dinner; in July and in December. It's so much fun getting together each month. We have about as much fun just visiting as anything else.

This month we had it in our back yard. Rick gave the lesson on the U S Constitution. He is such a good teacher. Then we gave everyone a copy of the Constitution to keep with their scriptures so they will always know where it is and so they will be able to read and study it. I sure do love this wonderful group of friends. It's so fun to be with them each month.

Happy B' Day America

July 4, 2009

I love Independence Day!! I have been thinking the last few weeks how lucky I am to live here in the United States of America. I am so grateful for the freedoms I enjoy! I'm also worried that we are slowly loosing those freedoms. We need to read and study the Constitution often, so we will know when our government is doing things that are unconstitutional. We need to call, write to, or e-mail our Senators and Congressmen so they know how we, the people, feel about what they are doing. We need to be a moral people and elect honest moral people to represent us. If we don't we will loose our freedoms.

Today was a busy day. We started out by going to the parade in Idaho Falls. I love parades. I've included photos of my favorite parts of the parade. Then we came home and did yard work. The weather was odd today. The morning was sunny and beautiful. Then when we got home (to do the yard work), we had a really big thunder and rain storm. I was starting to think maybe it wouldn't stop in time for the fireworks. And yes we did the yard work in the rain. We did stop for the lightening though. At about 7:30 we headed to Idaho Falls and had dinner at the Outback. At about 9:00 we got our chairs out of the car and found a great place to see the fireworks. I have never been that close to the fireworks. This was the first year I've actually seen the ground ones they set off. At 10:00 pm we cranked up the radio and enjoyed the show. It was absolutely amazing! I can hardly wait to see it next year. I've included some photos of the fireworks. I was just messing around with my camera to see what would happen. They would of been better if I would of had a tripod. But I included them anyway.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Afternoon with my girls!

Monday June 29, 2009

Today was soooo... much fun! Kirsti, Kenzie, and Ashley were spending a few days in Star Valley before their family reunion on the 4th and decided to meet me in Idaho Falls for lunch and a movie. We went to Garcia's for lunch. Ashley just cracked me up when the waitress came by and said "Hi Ladies can I get you anything to drink." Ashley piped right up and said "I'll have a lemonade". I can remember Kenzie doing the same thing at that age. As a matter of fact I can remember Kenzie calling the waitress over to our table and asking her where her macaroni and cheese was. She was only two and a half when she did that. I guess we go out to eat too much, but I always enjoy it.

After lunch we went to see the movie UP in 3D digital. We all loved it. It was a great movie and I couldn't believe how far 3D has come since I was young. Ashley only kept her 3D glasses on half the time. They were way too big for her and it was hard for her to keep them on. We enjoyed popcorn and chocolate covered raisins during the movie.

All to soon it was time to say good-bye. But I'll be with them again the weekend of July 11 -12th. We are going to there house for a visit and to celebrate Kenzie's birthday.

Quick up date on my PH. I called Dr. Shrader and since my headaches aren't constant on the half dose of Tracleer I will be staying on it for now. The headaches so far are manageable with Tylenol. I'm still trying to figure out how much I will be able to exercise on just the half dose. Dr. Shrader said I might have to just ride my exercise bike or go for walks for now. One of these days when I have some energy I'll go down and ride my bike while watching my pulse close. I might not be able to go back to curves.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Rick!

Today was a good day. In the morning we went to Choir practice and Church. We got our spiritual reservoirs filled. Then came home and relaxed for a while and had dinner. I made Ricks favorite dinner, steak and noodles. We had a green salad with it. I figured out how to do it in the crock pot. It turned out really well. I took a photo of it so you can see what it looks like. (You can tell the picture is of Ricks plate because of all the pepper. He LOVES pepper.) Then Rick opened his cards and unwrapped his presents. Kirsti sent him that cute card with the cat in a frog costume. He got some jeans and a shirt, a video about the Dead Sea Scrolls and The History of the Church books. We then watched the movie, "Amazing Grace". It was such a good movie. I would recommend it. It's a true story about the man who wrote the song, "Amazing Grace" and his friend who tried to abolish slavery in England. Towards the end of the movie we had a piece of a Happy Fathers Day ice cream cake. It was sooo... good.

I am back on half strength Tracleer now. I started taking it again Friday. My headaches are back. They aren't as bad as when I'm on the full strength, but I'm having to take Excedrin at least once a day. Plus I'm still so tired. I will call Dr. Shrader again on Thursday and see what he wants me to do now.

I just have to include a couple of photos of 2 of my furry friends. Kissa is sitting on the trailer under the tree watching a down pour. He sat there for about 45 minutes til it stopped raining for a minute and then came in. The second picture is of Teemu under a blanket. You can see his little white nose and paws poking out. He loves to get under blankets! They are such fun cats.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Rainy June!

This has been a very strange June! Today it's June 16th and we have not watered our lawn, garden and flowers all month. It has rained just about every day, with a lot of thunder. It's been nice not to have to water. But I'm starting to wonder if we need to buy or build a house boat. I guess it really could be worse. Last year it was still snowing in June.

This is what happened on Monday June 8th.

Yes it hailed. The hail was marble sized. The sky was very black and I even started looking for the tornado, which thank heavens didn't show up.

I have now been off my Tracleer for almost 2 weeks now. The headaches are gone, but I am totally unable to exercise. My heart rate is a lot higher even at rest and it's impossible to keep it below 130 when doing even mild exercise. So I'll call Dr. Shrader tomorrow and find out where we go from here. Even thought I haven't been able to exercise, it's been wonderful not having the headaches. My stomach is even feeling better now that I'm not taking all the Ibuprofen and Excedrin.

The only thing new at our house is that we have gotten Direct TV and Quest Internet. We love watching the HD programs on our big TV. It's amazing how clear and detailed the picture is. The only problem is we don't get any local channels, so today the Direct TV people are coming to put up their antenna to see if that helps. If not I'll be calling someone else in to do it. I know we get the signals here. It's just a matter of getting the right antenna.

Just thought I'd show you my little flower garden. I'm really sad that one of my pink flowers Kirsti and Kenzie planted for me last year has died. I don't know what happened to it. The other one is just beautiful. I've got 2 other plants I planted near the pink one that aren't doing very well. Hopefully they will start doing better.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Beautiful Star Valley

On Thursday June 4th Rick took the day off so he could go with me to Afton, Wyoming for my appointment with Dr. Shrader. It was an absolutely beautiful day. Not to warm, kind of cloudy with a little rain thrown in. I was amazed at how green everything was. I don't believe I've ever seen it so green. (I got a few pictures to show you how beautiful it looked, but they just don't do it justice.) If any of you ever go to Afton you just have to go eat at "The Rocky Mountain Seafood Restaurant". We had a late lunch there before going to the doctors. It's the freshest Seafood I ever had except for maybe Seattle or the Oregon coast. Now you are hearing this from someone that doesn't like seafood very much. But I love... fresh halibut. It was soooo... good!! Maybe next time I'll try some shrimp too.

My appointment went fairly well. I am having horrible headaches which are a side affect of the Tracleer I'm on for my pulmonary hypertension. I'll be going off it for two weeks and see if the headaches go away. If so I'll probably be changing to a different medication. They're also testing me to see if the Tracleer is still working. They are finding in a lot of people who taken it 3 - 4 years it stops being as affective. I've now been taking it 3 1/2 years. I have to call them to let them in 2 weeks if I still have the headaches and I have another appointment scheduled for September.

I've included a few photo's of my furry kids. (I didn't get a very good one of Kissa last time.) Kissa is the fluffy cat, Teemu is the siamese looking cat and Tennava is our dog.

Yes our pets are getting old and sleep a lot.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quick Update

The last 2 days have been very busy for us. Friday we helped move Rick's Mom to a new room at the Gables. She had a larger room and she said she just had too much wasted space that she didn't use and wanted a smaller room. So Danette, Dans wife, took her on Wednesday to buy a smaller bed and bedding. Then Friday we moved her into room 3. It took us about 2 and 1/2 hours which was longer than I thought it would. And it was sooo... hot. It's a lot smaller room, but with her new twin bed everything fit just fine. Yvonne was very happy with her new room, but Babe (her cat) was a whole different story. Let's just say it's going take Babe a couple of weeks to get used to it. She was not happy about it at all.

At the same time we were moving Yvonne my Mom was having trouble with her Swamp Cooler. She wanted Rick to come look at it and fix it. Like I said it was HOT and when the cooler isn't working her mobile home becomes a oven. If any of you know Rick, unless it was something supper easy to fix (which Mom could do herself) he couldn't fix it. She called me at 4:30pm to tell me this, so I got on the phone trying to find someone that could go over and fix it for her. By the time I found someone it was after 5pm and unless she wanted to wait until Monday it would cost extra because it was after hours. I knew it couldn't wait til Monday so $188 and a couple hours later it was fixed. It wasn't anything major, just a clogged intake valve, but Rick couldn't of fixed it, mainly because he wouldn't of been able to figure why the water wasn't flowing like it should. Mom wasn't too happy about having to spend the money, but what could we do. Too bad Scott (Becky's husband) lives so far away, he can fix just about anything.

Our Stake is focusing on every member having a 3 month supply of food, water and other supplies. So yesterday our Ward had a Super Saturday! We canned things like wheat, rice, dry milk, potato flakes, beans, etc. It was fun even thought it was still hot. Everyone helped each other until everyone was done canning the things they wanted. We canned 100 lbs. wheat, 50 lbs. dry milk, and 75 lbs. rice. We brought it home and added it to our supply of food we've been gathering the last few months in our garage. One of these next weekends we have to get the shelves we bought last year at the State Fair put together so we can move it all to our storage room in our basement.

We did do something fun last night. We went to a movie! It's been a long time since we've done that. We saw the second "Night at the Museum". We enjoyed it. It probably wasn't as good as the first one, but it was better than I thought it would be.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Our weekend started on Friday and a drive to see Kirsti in her new house in Stansbury Park, Utah. We loaded up our new little trailer and headed out. In Pocatello we stopped for lunch and to see how our loaded trailer was doing. We discovered the tarp had torn and frayed. So after eating lunch we had to tie the tarp on differently. Then on to Kirsti's, everything arrived in good condition. We loved her new house. She has 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs, plus the washer and dryer are up there also (I just loved that). Downstairs is the living room, an office, a half bathroom, and the kitchen and pantry. I love the island and counter tops in her kitchen. I love her wide & light hallways. They have lots and lots of storeage. We didn't know much about Stansbury Park before she moved there. It seems like a wonderful place to live.

On Saturday Blake took us up over the mountains and into Copperton. We found a wonderful park there and had a fun picnic. The kids got to run and play. It was so fun to watch them. Then back in the Envoy and on to Kennicott Copper Mine.

If you have never seen it you just have to take the time and see it when you are in Salt Lake area. We'd been there the last time about 30 years ago. We were amazed how much the mine had grown. Wow! We enjoyed every minute of it!!

Then back over the mountain into Tooele for dinner. We had dinner at Applebee's then went back to the Izatt's for ice cream cones. It was a wonderful day!

On Sunday we got to attend the Bay Shore Ward with them. As McKenzie put it, "they do things backwards at our church Grandma". We went to Relief Society and Priesthood first and Sacrament Meeting last. It's been a long time since we've done that. They seem to be in a very nice ward. Since they have only been there a couple of weeks they are still getting to know people. It's a big ward and growing every week. In Relief Society they introduced 3 new ladies that had just moved in that week. There are a lot of new move ins trying to get to know people. I think they will like it more once they get to know more people. After church Blake barbecued steak and pork for us in the rain. It was delicious!! After we ate, we had to leave to come home. It's always sad to have to say good bye. We love being with our kids and grand kids. It always goes by way too fast.

We started Monday, Memorial Day, off by picking up Rick's Mom and going to the Shelley Cemetery and putting flowers on the graves of Rick's Dad, Great Grandparents - The Pugmires, Grandma & Grandpa Draper and then my Dad. We then took Yvonne out for an ice cream cone before taking her back to the Gables for lunch. Then we picked up my Mom and headed to Pocatello to have lunch and decorate my Grandma & Grandpa Baileys grave. After that we went to Centennial High School in Pocatello to see the Field of Hero's. They have done it the last few years on Memorial Day weekend, but this is the first time we've seen it. We saw it the day before from the freeway on our way home from Utah and wanted to go see it up close. It was amazing and well worth the time to go see it. They have a cross for every one that has died in this war we are in, in the middle east. We found out not only do they have crosses for each person, but each cross has a name, date of death, and where they were from. It was a perfect day weather wise. Not to hot and not raining. A perfect day!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring has sprung!

The last two weeks have gone by really fast. Mothers day was wonderful! Both my kids actually remembered it was Mothers Day and they remembered me. I was suprised that Kirsti remembered because she was right in the middle of her move to her new house and I was suprised that Tommy remembered because he had no one to remind him. It was great!! Rick and I spent the Saturday before mothers day at my Mom's house getting her outside water turned on and filling up her gas cans for the lawn mower and doing a few other things she needed done. It was nice being with her. We stopped by and visited with Rick's Mom at the Gables. We got both our Mom's three little flowering plants in a neat wooden bird cage thing. They both loved them. Then on Sunday (Mothers Day) Rick was in charge of Sacrament Meeting at the Gables so we got to see Yvonne again for a little bit. Thomas and Kirsti both called me. Plus Kirsti sent me a card and Thomas sent me a plug in candle from Scentsy. Rick gave me an exercises bike that I love and have been using ever since. It was a very wonderful and relaxing day. Thank you so much everyone!!

This last weekend we spent planting. I have a triangle area by our patio I'm putting some flowers in. I planted 11 flowers and a flowering bush thing. I've include a photo of what it looks like now and I'll continue to up date you as the flowers start to grow. We also started planting our garden. We got the tomatoes, carrots, and radishes in. This week will be getting the peas in. Plus I am looking for raspberry bushes to put along the fence. I've also included some photo's of our tulips. They are beautiful right now. Oh and I couldn't forget our pets. Tenava is our dog, Teemu is the Siamese looking cat and Kissa is the cat sitting under Ricks lounge chair (your have to look close). We are doing great! Life is good.

Friday, May 1, 2009


This has been a hard week for us. Our dog Koira died on Tuesday April 28, 2009. We have had and are still having a hard time getting used to her not being here. She was such a good dog. She was the best mother I have ever seen (even though she never had puppies of her own). She mothered Tena (our other dog), our cats Kissa and Teemu, my Mom's little dog Sophie, our children and grandchildren and sometimes even us. She loved people and being in the middle of everything. She loved playing with wrapping paper so Christmas was one of her favorite times. She loved barking at the squirrels and chasing them. She followed us everywhere even towards the end when it was hard for her to get around. She never stopped going up and down the stairs to be with us. Life just won't be the same without her. We were blessed to have her a part of our family.

Born - December 4, 1993 Died - April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

April Snow

This last week since I've been home we been doggy sitting Sophie my Mom's little dog. (Mom went to spend some time at Becky's.) We only lost her out the gate once and the front door abt. 3 times. She really needs to learn "come". When you say, "Sophie Come" she just looks at you and runs the other way. We aren't used to her energy. You see she is only 1 year old and very much a puppy. She kept trying to play with our dogs; Koira who is 15 yrs. old and Tena who is 13yrs. old. Our dogs just don't remember how to play, but they did very well ignoring her and calming her down. Our cats were another story. Kissa did very well at putting up with her follow him around. They are the same size and close to the same color. It was so funny watching her follow him all over the yard and house. (I tried but couldn't get a photo of them. Darn!) But he drew the line at following him, every time she would try to play she got hissed at. Our other cat Teemu went into hiding for 11 days. I think we only saw him half a dozen times. If he should even glimpse the puppy he would hiss and spit and run. I picked Mom up at the shuttle today and took both Mom and Sophie home. It's much quieter around here now. I'm anxious to see how long it takes Teemu to come out of hiding.

Sunday was a weird weather day here. We woke up to a blizzard. By 10am when we left for church we had about four and a half inches. It probably started melting around 1:00 or 1:30 pm, because when we came out of church at 2:15 the roads had no snow on them. Most of it melted yesterday by the time we went to bed. But we still have a little up by our house in front.

Girls Get-Away

April 16th - 20th, 2009

Mom and I left Thursday the 16th to go to Kirsti's house in North Salt Lake. We arrived there at about 5:00pm and met the Izatt's at Arbys. We had a good meal, than on to Kirstis to watch Survivor. It was a nice day.

On Friday we started out going to Thrift Town for some shopping. They have great deals on good used clothes. Then we went to lunch at Wendy's and took Kirsti and the girls home. Then Mom and I went to meet Shelley and Becky at the house we rented in Salt Lake for the weekend. Kirsti couldn't come until later that afternoon when Blake got home from work. The house we rented was very nice. It had 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and a spa right off the family room. This year we all brought our own projects to work on. Once the van was unloaded and things put away we just did our own thing. Kirsti arrived in time for dinner. After dinner we headed to Gardner Village. We had lots of fun checking out the shops. Our favorite ones were "The Girl Store" and "The Christmas Store". Oh and I can't forget the candy store where most of us had a sample of fudge and then bought gifts for those we left at home. We only wished we had more time to spend there. Since they closed at 8pm, we couldn't see all the shops. Can hardly wait to go back someday.

On Saturday the 18th we went out for breakfast and then after a minor delay (going back to the house for my pills that I forgot to bring) we were off to IKEA. Wow! Mom and I had never been there and were amazed at how big it was and how much fun stuff there was to look at. After two and a half hours, a good workout and 2 heaping carts we staggered to the van. We went to lunch at "Cold Stone Creamery". There's nothing like having ice cream for lunch. Then back to the house to hang out and do our own thing. After dinner most of us soaked in the spa and talked. It felt sooo... good. Then back inside for movie and pop corn. We all went to bed at about 10:30 pm, but not before Mom frolicked in her new PJ's. For some reason my Mom just loves to frolic in her 'jamies. She is the life of the party!

On Sunday the 19th we had a quick breakfast and then we went to Sacrament Meeting at 9am. It was really kind of weird, because at 10 mins. to 9 we were the only ones there. At 4 mins. to 9 there were 10 peope there, that included us. We were starting to wonder if we'd made a mistake on the time or something. It wasn't until after the sacrament most of the people arrived. That was Mormon standard time at it's best or worst, however you want to look at it. Then back to the house for photo's, lunch and naps. After nap time we started watching "The boy in the striped pajamas", we were waiting for Amy to arrive. What a great but very sad movie. When Amy arrived we headed to the cemetery. Becky and Shelley were going to show us where Virgil Ned Robison is buried. Shelley found his unmarked grave in the popper section of the Salt Lake Cemetery. We all wanted to see where it was. We couldn't of asked for a more beautiful day. The weather was perfect! Then back to the house for more visiting, dinner, and the hallmark movie. It was so nice to meet Amy. She is a special girl. Kirsti had to leave to go home before the movie was over. She had to be home so Blake could go to work the next morning at 6:30am. Devin came by to take Amy home after the movie. We were off to bed by 10:30pm but now frolicking tonight.

Monday the 20th was mainly spent eating breakfast and packing up. we had to be out of the house by 10am, but I think we left at about 9am. I sure do love our girls get-aways. I'm so grateful the men in our life support us and let us get away. Women just need to get away and be together every now and then. I'm really looking forward to next time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. The Izatts arrived on Thursday April 9th. Rick and I watched our sweet granddaughters on Friday so Kirsti and Blake could get away for the day. Unfortunately it was our turn to help clean the church, so the morning started out going over to the church. The girls were very good and actually helped where they could. We did have one causality when Ashley was trying to dust the piano and fell. She hit her left check right on the edge of the piano. She now has a big bruise. I'm hoping they don't show up in the photos. Once the cleaning was finished we headed home for lunch, a movie (Snow White) and Easter egg coloring. I was amazed at how well the egg coloring went. Nobody spilled anything and we all had a wonderful time. We were able to wear the girls out, so when bed time came they went right to sleep. Needless to say wearing the girls out also wore out the grandparents. All we could do was sit down and try not to go to sleep until at least 9:30pm. Believe me it wasn't easy to stay awake.

Saturday the 11th was our Easter Egg Hunts. The first one was held at The Gables assisted living center where Rick's mom lives. Shelley came with her boys Kasen and Aidan. The weather turned out to be beautiful so they were able to be outside. After the egg hunt at the Gables everyone came to our house for lund and the Jensen egg hunt. My mom was able to here. Everyone had fun! I was amazed at how well Kasen and Ashley got along. They are only 9 days apart in age and were so cute together. After everyone left McKenzie and Ashley drew beautiful chalk pictures on our patio. I took photos of a couple of them. Kenzie was very proud of the tiger she drew. It was a really big tiger. Before the girls went to bed we watched a movie about Jesus and the Resurrection. We wanted to remember the true reason we celebrate Easter.

Easter Sunday we were able to focus on the Savior. We attended church together. The girls looked so cute in their Easter dresses. Rick and I sang in the choir. It was a very uplifting experience. We sang "In a coming day" by Kory Kuntz. (He used to teach seminary here in Shelley. As a matter he was one of Kirsti's seminary teachers.) Anyway the song talks about when we die and go to heaven and knowing the Savior and knowing he's God son and our Redeemer. We must of done a good job because our chorister cried through the whole thing. She's never done that before. After chruch we took a few photos in our Easter clothes and then had a nice Easter dinner. Then it was time for everyone to leave. It's always hard to see them go, but it is amazing how good the quiet sounds the first little while anyway.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

General Conference Weekend

On Friday we were busy trying to get everything done so we could just sit and watch conference. We met the Burtenshaws at WinCo trying to do the same.

We really enjoyed conference as we usually do. We were both taking notes on all the talks, because Monday is our Empty Nester FHE group and we are supposed to share our favorite parts of conference. (We meet once a month.) Taking notes is both good and bad. It's good because you are really listening and trying to remember what is being said. It's bad because as I am writing things down (I must write too slow) I'm missing other things. The major theme seemed to be as Elder Allen Packer of the Seventy put it "These are the days when prophies are being fulfilled". I need to do much better in my temple attendance. One of my favorite quotes was from Gary E. Stevenson of the Seventy "You are never lost when you can see the temple". I really need to go over my budget and work harder on sticking to it. I need to learn to say as Elder Robert D. Hales told us "We can't afford it, even if we need it and/or We don't need it even, if we can afford it". One of Rick's favorite quotes was from Elder Hales "The 3 most important words are I love you and the 4 most important words are We can't afford it". My whole problem is figuring out what my true needs are. I loved Elder D. Todd Christoferson's talk on being good Christians. I also enjoyed Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk on learning from the passed and I loved when President Monson said "Fear not and be of good cheer your future is as bright as your faith". I don't think I've ever really understood Christ suffering on the cross and why God had to withdraw his spirit from Jesus until I heard Elder Hollands talk. It was all amazing. I can hardly wait for the Ensign so I read and reread the talks again. Rick's favorite session was the Priesthood session and his favorite quote came from that session. He can't remember who said it, but it was " Young men look to the future, because they have no passed. Old men look to the passed, because they have no future".

I'm really looking forward to Easter! The Izatt's will be here to help celebrate. I always love being with my granddaughters!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend In Boise!

We had a wonderful weekend in Boise. We stayed with the Lineberrys. Becky always decorates her house so cute. She had bunnies and eggs all over for Easter. I took photos of my favorite ones. Becky and Scott let us take over their bedroom. They let us try out their new bed and mattress. (I am having issues with our mattress.) It was a very comfortable and now I want new one too (maybe we'll get a big income tax refund). We had dinner with them and just hung out and watched a movie.

Saturday we got to see Clark and hear him practice his drums (quite the experience even when he tries to play quietly). It was good to see him again. We spent a few hours with Thomas and got to meet Sam. We went to lunch with them, then back to Becky's so Tom could open his birthday presents. We played Cranium (Rick and I won even though Tom and Sam lead the whole way). It was so fun, but the time went all to fast. Sam is really sweet. We really like her. We had dinner with Scott and Becky. Becky is a great cook! She made a Delicious bread pudding (one of my favorite things) for desert. We watched a little basketball and a couple more movies. Now we can officially say we have seen "Napoleon Dynamite".

On Sunday Becky and I were able to plan the meals for our "Girls Weekend Away" that's coming up the 3rd weekend in April. Then we went to Sacrament Meeting and headed home. The first half of our drive home we dealt with awful winds blowing dirt across the freeway that really reduced visibility in places. The second half of the drive we dealt with blowing snow which did the same thing but was slick on the roads. It was lots of fun especially since we took our snow tires off the day before we left for Bosie. I was really glad Rick was driving.

Needless to say we had a lot of fun, but it went by much too fast. Thanks so much to Becky and Scott! We appreciate all you do. And thanks to my Mom for cat and dog sitting for us so we could go.

Monday, March 23, 2009

March so far...

Now I guess I need to catch you up on what has been going on this month. On the 6th and 7th I went to Creative Memories scrapbook weekend in Idaho Falls. I am still working on Thomas' books. I got a lot done and am almost finshed with them. It's so fun to sit and visit with friends while scrapbooking. It makes the time go by faster.

The thing I've worked on most this month has been taxes. Advon's taxes had to be filed by the 15th of this month and it took me almost that long to get the information in to the Accountant. But I made it and everything was filed. Then there was our personal taxes which hasn't been filed yet, but the accountant has all the info. so that should happen soon. Next was my Mom's trust that dosen't have to be filed until April 15th, but since I was on a roll I got it all finished and filed. Last but not least was my Mom's form for her grocery tax (which needed the total from the Trust). All the Taxes are done! I know you can't see me but I am doing the happy dance.

This last week I spent recovering from doing taxes. This week I will be finishing Thomas' scrapbook so I can give it to him for his birthday. We are going to Boise this Friday. I'm looking forward to helping celebrate Tom's birthday and seeing my sister again. I'll be posting more pictures when we get back so you can see what we do.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Valentine weekend with the Izatt's

I think I've finially figured out how to get pictures and slide shows on this blog, so now I will try to get things caught up. Here goes...
We went to Kirsti's the weekend of Friday Feb. 13th - Sunday Feb. 15th. We decied since it was Valentines Day we wanted to do something fun with our granddaughters when we got there on Friday afternoon the 13th. McKenzie and Ashley didn't know where we were going until we got there. They were sooo... excited and even more excited when they saw we were at Build-A-Bear. Choosing what to make was really hard for Ashley. She loved the pink monkey and the frog, but decided on the monkey as long as her Mom could make the frog. That was fine with Kirsti, she has always loved frogs. It was so fun watching them build and dress their new friend. They each got to choose an extra outfit. Mckenzie choose a Sleeping Beauty outfit and Ashley choose a Tinkerbell outfit. (Ashley already has the exact same Tinkerbell outfit that she wears.)

On Saturday we all went to Cabela's. (Rick and I had never been to one before.) It was so much fun. We saw fish, bears, elk, deer, wolf's, prarie dogs, mountian goats, beaver, badgar, antelope, and lots more. It was fun watching McKenzie and Ashley run around and have fun. We spent about 2 hours there and the only thing we bought was fudge in their candy shop. There was lots more to see but not only was I getting tired but so was Ashley. When we got back to Kirsti and Blake's, we did some babysitting so they could go out for Valentine's Day. It was so fun!

On Sunday we went to church and then had to leave to come back home. I found out Ashley is a lot like her Grandma, she can only stand to wear her church clothes until she gets home. As a matter of fact, she takes her clothes off the minute she walks in the door after church. I couldn't believe how fast she got all her clothes off. It was so funny. Then she loves runing around in her diaper until her mean Mom makes her put more clothes on. We are so greatful the Izatt's only moved to Salt Lake. At least it's close enough that we can go for visits.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This has been a busy week for me. I spent a day in Blackfoot taking my Mom shopping and being the handyman. I installed a new smoke detector in the ceiling, put in a new water purifer, changed 2 florescent light bulbs, hung a new reading light on the wall above mom's bed and changed numerous other light bulbs. She was living in the dark for a few days. I visited Mom Jensen a couple of times. Pluse I took her cat, Babe, to the vet on Thursday to get shaved and get it's shots. I kept pretty busy trying to avoid getting Advons bookkeeping caught up. I've got so much to do on it, it really overwhelms me. I've got to get busy on it so I can turn the tax information into the Accountant soon. Maybe next week. I've also got to work on the taxes for my Mom's trust plus our personal taxes. I wish I wouldn't let everything get so behind. Besides the taxes I've got so many projects I'm behind on. (Just ask Kirsti how many years it's taken me so far to make our family Christmas Stockings!) I'm one of the worlds worst procrastinators. Yesterday I went to lunch and the movies with Rick, an early Valentine date. (Next weekend we'll be at Kirsti's.) We saw "New In Town". It was a really good, funny love story. I'm hoping I can figure out how to add photos to this blog. After our trip to the Izatt's I'm sure I'll have plenty to add.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well I've finially figured out how to add another post. (I'm a slow learner.) This has been a rough week for me because I've been sick with the flu. I'm starting to feel better. Last night I felt hungry for the first time since Monday (maybe that's not a good thing). On Thursday I got to see my sister who is here to visit our Mom. We went to see "Marley and Me". It was a wonderful movie. I would recomend it to everyone. Then I went to a Glen Rawson fireside Thursday night with Rick. It was just what I needed. Had lunch with Mom and Becky yesterday. I have an amazing sister. I wish we lived closer so I could go to lunch with her more often. She is going home tomorrow and I won't be able to see her again before she goes. I'll miss her. I already do.