Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Dec. 27 - 28, 2009
On Sunday Kirsti and family went to sacrament meeting with us. The girls got to wear their Christmas Dresses again. They were so excited!! Then a quiet afternoon, and off to try and see some Christmas lights. We weren't able to find too many of them. The best ones were probably the Jolley's just around the corner from us. They have them synchrized to music you can tune in on the raido. We sat and watched their lights until they went through all 4 songs. It was fun!

On Monday we went to the movies and saw "The Princess and the Frog". The girls loved it!! It was a really cute movie. Then back to Grandma and Grandpa's for pizza. When the kids went to bed the adults watched "Star Trek #5" in blue ray!

It has been a wonderful Christmas Holiday!! I have loved everything about it. Especially being with my whole family, you just can't beat that.

Dec. 26, 2009
Today Thomas and Sam had to go home, and Kirsti and family were coming to be with us for a few days. We are so grateful the Izatt's got up at the crack of dawn and hopped in their car (in their PJ's and all) and came to our house. Because of that we were all able to be here together for a couple hours before Tom and Sam had to leave. The Izatt's opened the presents Tommy and Sam got them and we just visited. It was a great day.

Dec. 25, 2009
We are so happy Thomas and Sam were able to be here with us. Because they didn't arrive until 12:30 pm last night we did not get up early. Everyone was up and dressed by about 9:30 am and then we had breakfast. We then looked to see what Santa put in our Stockings and then opened our presents. It was so fun! Thomas got us a blue ray player (Santa brought us some blue ray movies), Kirsit got us a new mail box with cute covers (we really needed the mail box) and season 3 of Lost, and Rick got me a food processor, books and gift certificate to Barns and Noble. I gave Rick a carrying case for his laptop, some chocolates and movies. Oh and Santa brought us both new underwear. Yea!! We appreciate it all so much. After we were finished opening the presented Sam and I decided to give Tommy a make over. I cut his hair and Sam trimed his beard. Now he doesn't look like a scarey homeless person anymore. Be sure and check out the before and after pictures. Then Rick went and got his Mom so she could have dinner with us. It was fun having her here with us. After dinner we watched a few home movies of when the kids were little, then Jerry came over to hang out with Tom and Sam. It was a wonderful day!!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun to see your photos. I haven't seen Thomas or Kirsti for quite a while. I liked the makeover. It was as good as on Oprah.
