September 10, 2009
I guess I'll start with today and go back a week or so. Today is our 33rd Wedding Anniversary!! I can hardly believe it. Where has all the time gone. It isn't until I look in the mirror, then I realize how much time has gone by. We've been through a lot in the last 33 years and more in love than the day we were married. We will be celebrating by going to the BYU game on Sept. 19th with Becky and Scott. As for today a quiet night at home. Tomorrow we will go out to lunch and then to the museum to see the Titanic Displays.
Yesterday we went to Star Valley again to see Dr. Shrader. (Rick took the day off work) The drive was beautiful with the leaves just barely starting to turn colors. (I tried to get some photo's. They are kind of blurry because we were driving down the road at the time.) We had lunch again at Rocky Mountain Seafood. It was delicious as always! Dr. Shrader said the half dose of Tracleer is working great as far as my heart and lungs go. He will be adding another med. to try and help me be able to do some exercise and have some energy. I will try that for a couple of months and we'll see how that goes. Dr. Shrader said something that a I can't stop thinking about. He said, "We all want to stay on this earth a long time, but there comes a time we have to think about the quality of our lives." I've got to decide if I can live with the headaches I'm having now and see if the new med will help me be able to do more. If not we will have to change to a new medication all together. I've also been thinking if I died tomorrow would my life have made a difference in this world. I'm not sure I can say it has. It's something we all need to be thinking about, because you never know when your time on earth may be over. I hope I've done some good in this world and hope to be able to continue trying to make a difference. On a lighter note on the way home from Star Valley we just had to stop and get a square ice cream cone. It was sooo... good!!
Last week we spent puppy sitting Sophie. Mom went to Bosie to see Becky and we kept Sophie for her. She is still a puppy even though she is almost 2 yrs old. As Rick said the other day it's just like having a little kid in the house. She is a sweet little dog. Tena is getting used to being the pack leader and Kissa (one of our cats) has adjusted to her. Teemu (our other cat) goes into hiding when Sophie comes and we rarely see him the whole time she is here. It was fun having her here.
Back to Life. Back to Reality.
8 years ago
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