Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not much has changed!

November 23, 2009

Well I'm back on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Plus today I didn't go to church because I'm so sick at my stomach. I've taken something for it and am starting to feel better. I'm still trying to get things caught up and have realized I probably never will. So I'm concentrating on what I have to get done before we go to Kirsti's for Thanksgiving. Then when we get home I'll start working on Christmas and getting ready to take Mom over to Becky's. (Mom is spending the winter at Becky and Scott's.) Oh no!! I only have 2 whole more days before leaving for Kirsti's. I've got sooo.... much to do. I guess what ever I get done will have to do. Wish me luck, because I really need it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Trying to catch up

November 16, 2009

I am so far behind on everything and trying to catch up. I had a sore throat over the weekend and didn't feel very well. I am feeling much better today. But because I was sick so long in Oct. I'm still behind. Plus Dr. Shrader said even though I'm feeling better I'm not back to normal. I need to listen to my body and rest when I'm tired, take my inhaler when needed, ect. I'm also trying to work on buying Christmas gifts. My goal was to have it all done by Thanksgiving, so that when we go to Kirsti's (for Thanksgiving) I could take all the gifts then. I just realized that just isn't going to happen, even though I've really been working on it. Lots of it is almost done but not everything. So I guess I'm not super woman. And I'll go and take a nap!

Finaly Feeling Better!

November 10, 2009

Today I had an appointment with Dr. Shrader which means a trip to Afton WY. The weather was good and I went by myself this time. (Rick had to work and my friend Torri had just had oral surgry and wasn't feeling very well so I didn't even ask her to go with me.) So I listened to a book I have on CD which made the trip seem to go very fast. I am finally feeling better! As of Saturday Nov. 7th Rick said I'm acting like myself again. So I was confident Dr. Shrader will find that I'm doing great. To my surprise that wasn't the case. I took the walk test like I do each time I go there. (The walk test is a 6 min. walk I take and they measure how far I go. It shows how well my lungs and Pulmenary Hypertension is doing.) I thought I did great. I wasn't out of breath when I was finished like I was last time. I was very surprised when Dr. Shrader told me that was the worst I'd ever done. I only went 268 feet. (Last time I went 389 feet.) I told him all about my bout with Swine Flu and complications and he told me I probably wouldn't be totaly back to normal from that for a few more months. I am having a hard time believing how long it's taking to get back to normal. Needless to say because of the problems with the flu there was no way to tell if the Revatio (the new med. he added the last time I saw him) was helping me. So I go back Feb. 8th for another walk test. We might have to totally change my medication for PH if there isn't an improvement.

Croptober Fest 2009

Oct. 22 - 25 2009

Kirsti and I went to Croptober Fest (a scrapbooking weekend) again this year. Only this year it was extended later on Saturday so we stayed an extra night and left for home Sunday morning. We usually go a day early (on Thursday) so we can do something fun Friday before Croptober Fest starts at 5:00pm. This year we made some mini photo albums Thursday night while watching "Survivor" and "CSI" on TV. Friday morning we slept in and then went for a late breakfast at Smity's. I love their pancakes. They are so good. Then we did some shopping and had lunch at "Cold Stone Creamery". (Yes we had ice cream for lunch.) Then back to the motel for a nap before Croptober Fest begins. I am still not feeling very well. So am really taking it easy.

Croptober Fest was so fun this year. I love scrapbooking with friends. Torri and most of her sisters were there. They are so much fun!! I got a lot done even though I rested a lot. It's always fun to get away with Kirsti. I love her so much.

Work at Mom's

October 16, 2009

Today Rick and I met Becky and Scott at Mom's to work in her yard and around her house. Rick and Scott did most of the work. Becky helped them a little, but I did nothing but visit with everyone and take pictures. I'm still recovering from the flu and not doing much. Rick and Scott put cement blocks under Mom's steps in her back yard and around her patio and house. They had to not only level everything out but remove all the bark we put in last year. The bark just didn't work. The wind blew it all over and Sophie (Mom's little dog) likes to eat it. They also put new trim around all her windows outside. I had a wonderful time visiting with Becky and Mom. I just don't get to do that enough. I wish my sister lived closer to us. She is so much fun!