Thursday, September 24, 2009

BYU vs Flordia State

September 19, 2009

Today was the BIG day! We have been looking forward to this day for months; yes I said months. We met my sister Becky and her husband Scott in Provo at 2 pm for a late lunch/early dinner at Red Lobster. Of course we wore our BYU shirts and had lots of comments from different people while there. It was a great lunch! I always enjoy being with my sister. Then we parked our van and hopped into their van so we could all go together and have one less vehicle to park at the stadium. Scott dropped us off so we could pick up the tickets at the will call window and he went to park the car. Rick ran and got the tickets and then we sat all on a hill in the shade to wait for Scott to get back so we could go in. Oh I forgot to mention this was a really hot day. Becky and I were wishing BYU didn't have such a dark color, because we were dying in the heat. It felt so good to sit in the shade and wait for Scott. Once we met up with Scott it was off to find our seats. They were in the east bleachers close to the top and right in the sun. It wasn't until half time that the sun finally went behind the west bleachers and we got some relief. I drank a lot of water and probably could of drank more, but it would of been too hard to get out to get more. It was so fun to watch the band marching on the field and playing "When the Saints come marching in". It was fun watching all the pre-game stuff. Then the game started. Florida State got the first touch down. Then they got the second touch down. Oh no!! At half time I thought BYU still had a chance. They only need 2 touch downs to catch up. Once the second half started it was all down hill from there. Florida State got a touch down in the first few minutes of the third quarter and the rest is history. It got so bad we left a few minutes early. I took a photo of the score board just as we were leaving. That wasn't the finial score though. The finial score was BYU 28 - Florida State 54!! What an awful game. BYU was undefeated before that. Despite the score we had a good time. It was over much to soon. We met up with Devin and Amy after the game and went out for ice cream. It was so good. On our trip back to Kirsti and Blakes house we watch an amazing lightening storm. We even hit a really big down pour. When we got to the Izatt's house at 11:00 pm it was still 76 degrees. It was a very hot day and night.

While staying with the Izatt's Rick tried to help a little in their backyard by pulling weeds. Kirsti and the grand kids helped. (Kirsti was in her PJ's and at the side of the house so I didn't get her picture.) As you can see in the following photo they only made a small dent. The backyard is full of weeds. I've got a photo of Ashely's hair do that she did all by herself. She was so proud of it. Ashely also loves to dress up. She does it all day long. Of course I have photos of my girls after church. They are so sweet!! There's one of Ashley standing on her head. She just loves to be upside down. Kirsti says she loves to watch TV like that. We had a wonderful weekend and spent it with some of our favorite people.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eastern Idaho State Fair

September 11, 2009

The Izatt's came to spend the weekend with us. On Friday morning we went to the fair. It was so much fun! First we went to pet the animals. The tiny baby pigs were so cute. They were only 5 days old. I wanted to hold one so badly, but those we weren't allowed to touch. Then we went to see the big horses. Kenzie really loves the horses. She even got to go into a stall where a lady was brushing one and pet it's nose. She loved it. Then on to look at the rocks and buy a few. I love the rocks and needless to say so does my granddaughters. Then on to look at the commercial buildings. After that Grandma had to let the granddaughters build a stuffed animal. (They aren't spoiled or anything.) Then on to ride some rides. Oh sprinkled in there was a lot of eaten. We had scone bites, corn on the cob, ice cream, funnel cakes and lots of water. It was an extremely hot day. Once we did the rides Ashley, Kenzie and Grandma had had enough, so we bee lined it to the car to go home. Kirsti carried Ashley all the way out and Rick almost drug me out. I was so hot and tired I just couldn't stand it any more. On the way home we stopped at Great Grandma Robison's house to take her a funnel cake and some kettle corn. It was a fun day!

On Saturday the 12th Rick, Kirsti and the girls went over a visited with Great Grandma Jensen. Blake went to Rexburg to help his brother with a fence. Then we watched the girls while Kirsti and Blake went back to the Fair to see the Demolition Derby. We learned some exciting news today. Blake and Kirsti are going to have another baby!! We are so excited!!! Another sweet addition to our family. We think she will be do the end of May sometime. She hasn't been to the doctor yet so we don't know for sure. They weren't going to tell anyone until Thanksgiving, but Kirsti just doesn't keep secrets too well.

While at Great Grandma Robison's house each girl sat in a chair that belonged to their Great Great Great Grandma Rodgers. She was a vary small lady and sat in it in her older years.

Our 33rd Wedding Anniversery!

September 10, 2009

I guess I'll start with today and go back a week or so. Today is our 33rd Wedding Anniversary!! I can hardly believe it. Where has all the time gone. It isn't until I look in the mirror, then I realize how much time has gone by. We've been through a lot in the last 33 years and more in love than the day we were married. We will be celebrating by going to the BYU game on Sept. 19th with Becky and Scott. As for today a quiet night at home. Tomorrow we will go out to lunch and then to the museum to see the Titanic Displays.

Yesterday we went to Star Valley again to see Dr. Shrader. (Rick took the day off work) The drive was beautiful with the leaves just barely starting to turn colors. (I tried to get some photo's. They are kind of blurry because we were driving down the road at the time.) We had lunch again at Rocky Mountain Seafood. It was delicious as always! Dr. Shrader said the half dose of Tracleer is working great as far as my heart and lungs go. He will be adding another med. to try and help me be able to do some exercise and have some energy. I will try that for a couple of months and we'll see how that goes. Dr. Shrader said something that a I can't stop thinking about. He said, "We all want to stay on this earth a long time, but there comes a time we have to think about the quality of our lives." I've got to decide if I can live with the headaches I'm having now and see if the new med will help me be able to do more. If not we will have to change to a new medication all together. I've also been thinking if I died tomorrow would my life have made a difference in this world. I'm not sure I can say it has. It's something we all need to be thinking about, because you never know when your time on earth may be over. I hope I've done some good in this world and hope to be able to continue trying to make a difference. On a lighter note on the way home from Star Valley we just had to stop and get a square ice cream cone. It was sooo... good!!

Last week we spent puppy sitting Sophie. Mom went to Bosie to see Becky and we kept Sophie for her. She is still a puppy even though she is almost 2 yrs old. As Rick said the other day it's just like having a little kid in the house. She is a sweet little dog. Tena is getting used to being the pack leader and Kissa (one of our cats) has adjusted to her. Teemu (our other cat) goes into hiding when Sophie comes and we rarely see him the whole time she is here. It was fun having her here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Rest of August

August 31, 2009

The last couple of weeks have been so busy, but not much to blog about. Rick has been busy moving shelves out of our storeage room and into the shed. Then he built me these -

It was a big job because you had to figure out what size cans you are going to put in it and where, in order to build it. It was a 2 day job. I'm so excited to have it done. Now my job of putting the cans away starts.

I've got a new calling in our Relief Society. I'm the new Visiting Teaching Cordinator. I've been working on forms for the Visiting Teaching Supervisors, for the Visiting Teachers, and for the monthly and yearly reports. It has taken me a long time and I'm still not quite done. It also didn't help that we've had a lot of people moving in and out the last couple months so we've had a lot of changes. It's a calling I'm going to really enjoy. It will be better once I get all the forms just like I want them and in the computer. It should save me a lot of time in the long run.