Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend In Boise!

We had a wonderful weekend in Boise. We stayed with the Lineberrys. Becky always decorates her house so cute. She had bunnies and eggs all over for Easter. I took photos of my favorite ones. Becky and Scott let us take over their bedroom. They let us try out their new bed and mattress. (I am having issues with our mattress.) It was a very comfortable and now I want new one too (maybe we'll get a big income tax refund). We had dinner with them and just hung out and watched a movie.

Saturday we got to see Clark and hear him practice his drums (quite the experience even when he tries to play quietly). It was good to see him again. We spent a few hours with Thomas and got to meet Sam. We went to lunch with them, then back to Becky's so Tom could open his birthday presents. We played Cranium (Rick and I won even though Tom and Sam lead the whole way). It was so fun, but the time went all to fast. Sam is really sweet. We really like her. We had dinner with Scott and Becky. Becky is a great cook! She made a Delicious bread pudding (one of my favorite things) for desert. We watched a little basketball and a couple more movies. Now we can officially say we have seen "Napoleon Dynamite".

On Sunday Becky and I were able to plan the meals for our "Girls Weekend Away" that's coming up the 3rd weekend in April. Then we went to Sacrament Meeting and headed home. The first half of our drive home we dealt with awful winds blowing dirt across the freeway that really reduced visibility in places. The second half of the drive we dealt with blowing snow which did the same thing but was slick on the roads. It was lots of fun especially since we took our snow tires off the day before we left for Bosie. I was really glad Rick was driving.

Needless to say we had a lot of fun, but it went by much too fast. Thanks so much to Becky and Scott! We appreciate all you do. And thanks to my Mom for cat and dog sitting for us so we could go.

Monday, March 23, 2009

March so far...

Now I guess I need to catch you up on what has been going on this month. On the 6th and 7th I went to Creative Memories scrapbook weekend in Idaho Falls. I am still working on Thomas' books. I got a lot done and am almost finshed with them. It's so fun to sit and visit with friends while scrapbooking. It makes the time go by faster.

The thing I've worked on most this month has been taxes. Advon's taxes had to be filed by the 15th of this month and it took me almost that long to get the information in to the Accountant. But I made it and everything was filed. Then there was our personal taxes which hasn't been filed yet, but the accountant has all the info. so that should happen soon. Next was my Mom's trust that dosen't have to be filed until April 15th, but since I was on a roll I got it all finished and filed. Last but not least was my Mom's form for her grocery tax (which needed the total from the Trust). All the Taxes are done! I know you can't see me but I am doing the happy dance.

This last week I spent recovering from doing taxes. This week I will be finishing Thomas' scrapbook so I can give it to him for his birthday. We are going to Boise this Friday. I'm looking forward to helping celebrate Tom's birthday and seeing my sister again. I'll be posting more pictures when we get back so you can see what we do.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Valentine weekend with the Izatt's

I think I've finially figured out how to get pictures and slide shows on this blog, so now I will try to get things caught up. Here goes...
We went to Kirsti's the weekend of Friday Feb. 13th - Sunday Feb. 15th. We decied since it was Valentines Day we wanted to do something fun with our granddaughters when we got there on Friday afternoon the 13th. McKenzie and Ashley didn't know where we were going until we got there. They were sooo... excited and even more excited when they saw we were at Build-A-Bear. Choosing what to make was really hard for Ashley. She loved the pink monkey and the frog, but decided on the monkey as long as her Mom could make the frog. That was fine with Kirsti, she has always loved frogs. It was so fun watching them build and dress their new friend. They each got to choose an extra outfit. Mckenzie choose a Sleeping Beauty outfit and Ashley choose a Tinkerbell outfit. (Ashley already has the exact same Tinkerbell outfit that she wears.)

On Saturday we all went to Cabela's. (Rick and I had never been to one before.) It was so much fun. We saw fish, bears, elk, deer, wolf's, prarie dogs, mountian goats, beaver, badgar, antelope, and lots more. It was fun watching McKenzie and Ashley run around and have fun. We spent about 2 hours there and the only thing we bought was fudge in their candy shop. There was lots more to see but not only was I getting tired but so was Ashley. When we got back to Kirsti and Blake's, we did some babysitting so they could go out for Valentine's Day. It was so fun!

On Sunday we went to church and then had to leave to come back home. I found out Ashley is a lot like her Grandma, she can only stand to wear her church clothes until she gets home. As a matter of fact, she takes her clothes off the minute she walks in the door after church. I couldn't believe how fast she got all her clothes off. It was so funny. Then she loves runing around in her diaper until her mean Mom makes her put more clothes on. We are so greatful the Izatt's only moved to Salt Lake. At least it's close enough that we can go for visits.